Nuclear power and Australia’s energy transition

Australia's Nuclear Power Options
Systems Thinking and Beyond
Nuclear power and Australia's energy transition

The AI team take a deep dive into C.J. Kikkert’s presentation to the Retired Engineers Group in Adelaide, Australia, February 2025. The presentation explores the feasibility of nuclear power within Australia’s energy transition. Kikkert, an electrical engineer with no vested interest in nuclear or renewable industries, analyzes nuclear power’s properties, costs, and timelines, comparing it to variable renewable energy (VRE) sources like solar and wind. The presentation questions nuclear power’s economic viability and its impact on grid stability and carbon emissions in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM). Kikkert argues that baseload nuclear generation is a poor fit, potentially causing negative prices, curtailing renewable energy, and increasing costs for consumers, also burdening future generations with CO2 removal and waste storage expenses. He suggests that load-following Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) might be a possible alternative but require further analysis and do not exist yet. The presentation ultimately advocates for firmed renewables and storage as a more sensible path for Australia’s zero-carbon transition, challenging the notion that baseload power is essential for low-cost and reliable energy.

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