Why selecting the wrong course on systems thinking, systems engineering or project management could cost you $1,000s more than the fee

Selecting The Wrong Course
Systems Thinking and Beyond
Why selecting the wrong course on systems thinking, systems engineering or project management could cost you $1,000s more than the fee

The AI team take a deep dive into a YouTube video which provides guidance on selecting a systems thinking, systems engineering, or project management course. (It also applies to courses on other topics). The author emphasizes the importance of considering factors beyond course fees, such as instructor qualifications, content relevance, and delivery method (block, weekly, or EverCourse). The author highlights the shortcomings of certain delivery methods and advocates for a comprehensive evaluation process to ensure the chosen course aligns with individual learning goals. Different course formats are compared, and the author promotes the “EverCourse” pedagogy as a superior approach for lifelong learners. Finally, the document offers examples of important course content considerations within specific subject areas.

The YouTube video may be found at https://youtu.be/DTTrobYjLqg

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