The AI team take a deep dive into a 2013 paper whihc introduces a framework for benchmarking competency models used to evaluate systems engineers. The authors highlight the challenges in comparing existing models due to differing competency groupings. They propose a Competency Model Maturity Framework (CMMF) that assesses competency across knowledge, cognitive characteristics, and individual traits. The paper benchmarks nine existing competency models using the CMMF, revealing a common omission related to the implementation domain. The authors suggest the CMMF can also guide the development of new competency models tailored to specific organizational needs. The research concludes with future directions for improving competency assessment in systems engineering.
The paper (Kasser J.E., Hitchins D.K., Frank M. and Zhao Y.Y., A framework for benchmarking competency assessment models, The Journal of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Volume 16, Number 1, 2013) may be downloaded here.