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From obstacles to triumphs: A project manager’s early career roadmap
If you are even thinking about enrolling in training, you need to watch my YouTube video Why selecting the wrong training course could cost you $1000s
Blog Archives
Two major misconceptions of systems thinking exposed
The AI team does a deep dive into an online presentation made by Dr Joseph Kasser and Bruce Lerner to the British Computer Society (BCS) in 2023. The presentation exposes two common misconceptions about systems thinking. First, it clarifies the proper application of reductionism, arguing that it’s a valuable analytical tool, not an opposing methodology to systems thinking. Second, it explains that “open” and “closed” systems are not distinct types but rather different perspectives on … Continue reading
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What makes the systems engineer successful?
The AI team take a deep dive into a book by Dr Howard Eisner which examines the attributes of highly successful systems engineers. It profiles prominent figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein, analyzing their traits and contributions. The author then explores seven key attributes—synthesizer, listener, curious/systems thinker, manager/leader, expert (in systems engineering processes and domain knowledge), and perseverer—through case studies and analysis of various successful systems engineers. The text also incorporates … Continue reading
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Which system are we discussing?
Our AI team take a deep dive into Joseph Kasser and Bruce Lerner’s pdf handout “Resolving the-8.pdf” for a presentation aimed at a focused discussion in an INCOSE Oak Café meeting in 2024 analyzes the inconsistent definitions of “system” in literature. The authors examine numerous definitions, revealing a lack of consensus stemming from the context-dependent nature of “system”. They propose focusing on the System of Interest (SOI) instead, arguing that this clarifies the ambiguity by specifying the system under … Continue reading
Why selecting the wrong course on systems thinking, systems engineering or project management could cost you $1,000s more than the fee
The AI team take a deep dive into a YouTube video which provides guidance on selecting a systems thinking, systems engineering, or project management course. (It also applies to courses on other topics). The author emphasizes the importance of considering factors beyond course fees, such as instructor qualifications, content relevance, and delivery method (block, weekly, or EverCourse). The author highlights the shortcomings of certain delivery methods and advocates for a comprehensive evaluation process to ensure the chosen course … Continue reading
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Why you should be using systems thinking to solve problems
Our AI team takes a deep dive into a presentation by Dr. Joseph Kasser who advocates for using systems thinking to solve problems. It contrasts systems thinking, which considers multiple perspectives and solutions, with traditional approaches that often focus on a single “correct” answer. The presentation provides a framework for analyzing problems using the “Holistic Thinking Perspectives” matrix and Kipling’s “Five W’s and an H.” It also emphasizes critical thinking skills, including evaluating arguments, identifying … Continue reading
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